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Annual Fund

Graduation Annual Fund

Your support of Holy Angels, no matter the amount, makes an impact on the everyday life of each AHA student.  Annual gifts underwrite more than 15 percent of our annual programs, supporting excellent academics, dynamic sports and activities programs, and daily faith formation and service opportunities. Perhaps most importantly, your gifts provide need-based scholarships for over 300 students, enabling them to experience the transformative education that AHA offers.

We invite you to give to this year’s AHA Annal Fund at a level that reflects your personal generosity. To give now, please visit our donation page or contact Brian McCartan or Jesse Foley '89 to make your pledge.

Annual Fund Supports AHA's Goals:

There are a variety of ways that you can invest in our students. 

  • Use your employer’s corporate matching gift option.

  • Make a gift of appreciated stock

  • Establish a charitable gift annuity or another planned gift

  • Include Holy Angels in your will or estate plan. Your gift is tax deductible.

Become a Member of the President’s Star Council

The President's Star Council is the Academy's annual major donor giving group. Donors who contribute $1000 or more per year receive admission to sporting events, theater events and concerts at the Academy of Holy Angels, and invitations to semi-annual receptions for updates on school news and happenings.

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